Monday 19 August 2013

The Newest SEO Strategies - Stay Ahead of the Curve

The Newest SEO Strategies - Stay Ahead of the Curve

There are many SEO strategies around, each is promising top positions in search results in short time. While this may sound attractive there are many facts that actually prevent any prediction about possible rankings. The only fact that holds is that the search engine has total control over algorithms used to rank pages. This makes any predictions about top positions almost impossible. Because of this you need to be careful with any promises about SEO effects. However, there are few things that you can avoid to prevent unnecessary low rankings. You have to know that search engines are pretty smart and this applies in particular to Google. It is very hard to trick them and when you are discovered to use dirty tricks you are punished. Punishment is in fact inverse SEO--you are pushed to the bottom. On the other hand, it is very simple to apply latest SEO strategies because they itself are very simple.
Keyword Selection
It is simply not possible to rank for all interesting or related keywords. You have to make a selection of keywords that satisfy basic SEO criteria. A good start is high search volume and low competition. For such keywords is is possible to create pages that will reach top positions and will get some free traffic from search engines.
Create Pages for Human Visitors
This is the best approach that can easily end in a SEO page. Search engines try to evaluate pages like human users do. This means that they look for elements that are important to normal visitors. We all know how we can quickly evaluate any page. We look at the title, first paragraph, images, we scroll down to check for other places and then we decide to either close the tab or start reading it. Knowing this you can easily create attractive page that will be focused around target keyword.
Do Not Use Content From Other Pages
Create you own content at any cost. It does not make sense to publish something that is already published. Not just because duplicate content is easily detectable but because visitor will not get any new information. If visitors will not like your page then also search engines will have no reason to put it on top positions.
Use Various Word Phrases for Anchor Texts
Do not use the main keyword or only few keywords for anchor text for all links you create. Try to use many different words or word phrases like it happens in real life.
A simple example of an optimized page is the credit card readers [] website. It provides information about various wireless credit card readers. Because we would like to keep credit cards in our hands portable wireless point of sale (POS []) terminals are getting increasingly popular. SEO is simple when you know that search engines are smart and there is no simple way to trick them.

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