Wednesday 14 August 2013

SEO Blogging Software - WordPress Plugins and Themes Are a Powerful Combination

There's little doubt that blogs are the shining stars in the search engine optimization firmament. And some of the best SEO blogging software comes in the form of WordPress plugins and themes designed to let you maximize your SEO rankings. I have a few favorites.
If you want a comprehensive package of SEO blogging software, you can't do better than the All in One SEO WordPress Plugin.
This particular piece of SEO blogging software is a true joy, because I can use it to insert titles, keywords, and descriptions to every single WordPress post or page of my website. With that capability, I can really improve my chances of getting noticed by the big search engines.
You will like the All in One SEO Package's Rewrite Titles feature, because it will show the SEO optimized titles of you posts ahead of the title of you blog in your title tags, so if your post titles are keyword heavy, those keywords will be noticed by Google and friends.
As SEO blogging software goes, I find the All in One pack to be very user friendly. The plugin will create a new options page on your site, where you enter your meta keywords, your site's title and description.
You can then customize keywords and descriptions for your individual posts, and choose those articles which you choose to have listed ahead of your site's name in the page title, as mentioned above.
Speaking of Google, another of the SEO blogging software must-haves from WordPress is Google Sitemaps. Use this to instantly enhance your WordPress blog with a sitemap and the plugin will take it from there. It will keep Google informed of any updates to your blog and you can even adapt it to work with Yahoo's search engine as well.
Another of my recommendations for SEO blogging software is the WordPress SEO themes. The WordPress SEO themes are available in customizable basic formats with either two or three columns.
They include preconstructed headers and sidebars, and the WordPress team has put together a free web tutorial to assist you in using them to maximize your SEO rankings. You won't have any trouble making these SEO themes look as if they were designed to your site specifications.
SEO blogging software is also available for other blogging platforms, but if you are using WordPress, as I do, you would be better off sticking with the plugins and themes engineered to work with the WordPress coding. There are plenty of them to keep you occupied, so why risk installing something that might do more harm than good?
Author: Matt Garrett © 2007 | Blog Tutorials & Videos
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