Wednesday 14 August 2013

SEO Blogging Software - 3 Weapons You Will Need For SEO Blogging Success

SEO Blogging Software - 3 Weapons You Will Need For SEO Blogging Success

Why Use An SEO Blogging Software Anyway?
We know that search engine optimization or SEO in particular is pretty useful when we want our blog to be found on the search engines page results. In short, we want more exposure.
An seo blogging software would certainly come in handy when we want to achieve this. We will see the 3 different tools you need before really harnessing the power of blogging.
Weapon 1: Statistical Analysis Tool
This is more widely known as a traffic analyzer. I'll explain why you will need this. Its important to include it because you will need to know what SEO stuff you are doing actually works.
You can either use or Googleanalytics. Both are very user friendly and you don't need to be a web expert in order to have it implemented into your blog.
Weapon 2: Integrating RSS Feeds To Your Blog
Do you notice some of those orange buttons that links to a certain site with all texts? Well, if you have then RSS just stands for "really simple syndication".
You see, this one SEO blogging software or tool not only helps you to automatically publish your posts to other sites but now most people like to read RSS based feeds. Its very convenient for the reader.
Weapon 3: Social Bookmarking Is Crucial
You could call this a neat way to generate more readers and there are a ton of SEO blogging software geared towards this direction. Before you dive into them here are some pointers.
Think strategic blog marketing and focus on generating a really excellent blog post. Push this via 'bookmarking' social media sites that will help pitch to other bloggers. It is smart indeed.
You write 1 blog post and get an equal amount of links and greater traffic via this tool. Its kind of a lazy blogging method so its worth a shot.
Though there are many other weapons you can use, you can be sure that these are really the SEO blogging software that really count. Remember to always stick to one or two weapons before moving on to the next. Go slow but steady.
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Get the hottest blogging SEO tips at SEO Blogging Software Guide []
Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.
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